Death Midwife: End of Life Companion: Transition Guide

My original training and certification was with Angie Buchanan , The Death Midwife;; June.2021.  I’m currently expanding my training as a Death Doula with Death Educator and Doula,  Alua Arthur:

 After six months as a caregiver at  The Bird House Hospice Home of Johnson County , I continue there as a  volunteer weekly in a non-medical care capacity, working with clients and their families here in Iowa City.

 Like my father before me, I consider myself a student of life. Life includes death as the two are intertwined and  each contains the other.

 My deep interest in world cultures, art and ritual informs my personal spirituality and I can offer transitional  mantra chanting, including a beautiful Pali Impermanence Chant, the Hanuman Chalisa in Hindi, numerous  Sanskrit chants and others. As a pan spiritual mystic I am also fond of a variety of prayers and hymns and am  open to learning what is important to you, your dying person and your family. Spending time in SILENCE with  your Beloved is also a ritual practice that I use to shape the space for dying and family respite.  Inclusivity  is  important to my world view and all are welcome and cared for equally.

 I also specialize in using  Reiki energy healing  for client and family comfort and rest.

 Depending on the point of entry when you might engage me, I can additionally assist in making death plan  choices, preparing Advance Directives, generating paperwork for Powers of Attorney for healthcare choices and  financial decisions.

 Other tender offerings : Deep listening; letter writing; reading to clients their favorite or last book they didn’t get  to; bedside vigil and 11th hour presence; grocery shopping and cooking; light cleaning.

 With some training and personal creation of  home funerals  for my own Beloveds, and my personal after-death  care experiences, I offer you and your family the possibility of this alternative. I am involved in creating a green  burial cemetery in Johnson County, which is not yet operative, but I’m able to speak about alternative body  disposition options.

 “Let come what comes. Let go what goes. See what remains.”   – Ramana Maharshi

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My mom and her 5 daughters at the time of her death.